Dusk Beach Moments with Mom

Dusk Beach Moments With Dad

Chicken Universe

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

They were on a beach for the very first time.

I remember my own first time. I was just a little kid. We'd recently moved from the nation's heartland to a coastal region of the Pacific Northwest, but we'd not yet been to the coast. Having driven from the valley toward the coast on a Friday evening after dad's work, we arrived at our destination; an ocean side campground, in the dark. Nevertheless, my parents wanted to "see" the Pacific Ocean. It was their first time, too. So we walked a sandy, winding path toward the beach. Fog and clouds obscured light from the moon or stars, so it was persuasively DARK! And the noise of the crashing waves told us we were getting close to the surf. It was a big sound, a penetrating din that began to roar, and everything in me shifted into "back-up!" mode. Mom and dad reassuringly took my hand to encourage me forward with them. Out of the fog, like a plush moving carpet, a tired ocean wave caressed my hesitant feet--a welcoming baptism. It splashed a new found joy into the heart of this young boy and welcomed me to the Pacific shores of the Northwest's coast. (16 x 20, Arcylic orig. Geclee $180 ea., sold separate or together)

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